Monday 3 March 2014

Oh, crumbs, it's Monday again! Story time...!

Well, today is interesting... I've had my beloved husband come home poorly from work and so have been a little distracted from posting!  Please note, however, that I have discovered how to create PAGES. This is where I intend posting about all my writing achievements for the year.

Today's story... Hmm... Are you sure you want one?

Well, here's a flash fiction I wrote a while ago...

Extreme Measures

‘I want,’ Christobel announced, ‘to Make an Entrance at my son’s fiasco of a wedding. If That Woman insists on stealing my son, then at least I shall steal her thunder!’

Libby kept her face polite, attentive. The woman was dressed to maim, Size 14 wearing expensive Size 10.

‘I want three stone off in three months.  Well?’

Professionalism took over. Smile.

‘We observe strict guidelines at SleepYouSlender. We are not permitted, by law, to allow a client to drop below a healthy BMI. The most we could help you lose is two stones…’

The woman glowered. Libby pressed on.

‘You see, our target demographic is morbidly obese clients who are averse to bariatric surgery. Placed in a medically induced coma and fed intravenously, one undergoes tabletoning sessions four times weekly… typical losses average twenty pounds each month, but for someone not obese, that isn’t achievable…’

‘I’ll pay double to lose three stone.’

Libby shook her head.  ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Alright. Two stone, then.  You offer a money back guarantee?’

‘For clients who fit the criteria…’  Seeing Christobel’s scowl, Libby sighed, shrugged, capitulated. ‘Well, if you’ll sign the waiver to permit us to use extreme measures…’


Everything fuzzed into focus; Christobel tried to sit up…

‘Steady, you’ve been asleep for three months…’

‘My leg hurts! Why does my leg hurt?’

‘We had to amputate…’


‘So you’d reach your target.  We took the right leg, you’d a nasty bunion forming… You did sign the waiver… Extreme measures, remember?’