Thursday, 17 October 2013

What You Wish For...

Tomorrow is my son's birthday.  He will be thirtysomething and I utterly refute, reject, and deny the notion that I am old enough to have a thritysomething son.  He phoned me on Tuesday in the wake of very uncomfortable dental treatment for a little motherly sympathy, and, once I'd cheered him up (I hope...) we got on to the topic of his birthday -  he's coming today, rather than tomorrow, as we have someone coming to do some electrical work - and we talked about what he will or will not be able to eat, given the current hole in his mouth.

Since we resonate, as a family, in the Whovian spectrum, it didn't take long for the topic of Fish Custard to come up.  Now, as a former aquarist, I can't bring myself to eat fish, not even their fingers (which they've obviously evolved beyond) and so I need to find an alternative.

I also need to construct a Birthday Cake.

Sometimes it's a nuisance being a writer; it makes me imaginative...

Watch this space; photos of vegetarian Fish Custard will surely follow.
It made my son laugh.

I always try to make him a cake, and I enjoyed baking this - actually two cakes, a basic sponge for the base and a chocolate cake sliced and iced to make the fish fingers.

So, for those who are not followers of Doctor Who, there is an episode where the Doctor eats fish fingers and custard.


  1. Fish Custard? Erm, please never make me that when I visit. Sounds utterly revolting - urgh. Happy Birthday J.

    1. If I were to explain, and the recipient read it before being presented with said FC, it would rather spoil the surprise...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
