Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Follow you - Follow me...

Not only the title of a Genesis single from back in the day, but also a nod to the fact that I found the 'Follow' widget so my blogs are now stalkable.  To mark this momentous event, my first Official Follower will receive a small prize - assuming I can work out their identity, that is...

It's promising to be a busy couple of weeks.  I want to get my second edit of 'Fallen' completed before Friday so I can begin the sequel for NaNoWriMo... plus things to write for 100 Poets on 8 November. Nothing I can't handle, but it would help if I got started...

Matters not helped by the fact that, playing with the garden hose on Sunday, I've managed to damage my shoulder and put the muscles in my upper arm into spasm. Amongst other things, this means I look like I got dressed in the dark. For a bet.

1 comment:

  1. ...And if only I could find the place where it tells me who my first follower is...
