Thursday, 30 October 2014

What Does November Mean to You...?

A phone conversation with my husband just now has got me thinking.

November, considering it can be such a dismal month, has so much going on.  We have Remembrance Day with all its associations.  Guy Fawkes' Night, Leeds Film Festival, the Christmas Lights going on in Leeds, and my personal favourite...

National Novel Writing Month.

I've taken part in NaNoWriMo since 2006, and have 'won' every year.  The aim is to encourage people to write a first-draft novel of 50,000 words during the month of Novemeber; that's a daily average of just under 1700 words.  There's a website full of help and support and everything you need, except the actual words themselves. That's down to you.

Anyone can do it, anyone can take part.  And the sense of achievement when you hit that 50K goal is immense.  This year will be quite challenging for me - I have ongoing projects, carer duties, my OH scheduled for surgery mid-month... but I'll still have a go.  This year I want to write about belonging, family, what it's like to be apart from everyone you care for for what feels like forever... and then finding them again.

There are just one or two other November things - Children in Need, of course - and Movember.

Yes.  Men everywhere are growing moustaches for charity and to heighten awareness.

And everyone in Terry's office has pledged £5 if he will take part.

I am not impressed...

Will let you know what happens.

1 comment:

  1. OOh I think we need photos os Movember. You go Terry.
