Thursday, 26 June 2014

That Dark chocolate moment... bittersweet...

I'm fortunate to have many friends.  People I can lunch with, laugh with, grumble with, vent with. People who help me, people I can help.

But just because I'm blessed with lots doesn't mean I value them any the less.

One of my friends recently applied for her Dream Job.  After years of researching what qualification she needed, and going out and working damn hard to get them, and after asking me to help with her application (trusting lady, she is) she got the interview and now has got the job.

And I am utterly delighted for her.  She deserves it. Not just because she's had a tough time and has battled on, but because this is her dream, and she's kept chasing it until she's caught it.

But for me, it's bitter sweet.  The job isn't in the UK, it isn't even in Europe, so when she goes, in spite of her talk of spare rooms and  meeting-me-from-the-airport, the reality is our friendship will no longer be meet-for-lunch every few weeks, but will be exchanges of email and FB posts.  I'm not going to be able to afford £400 each way airfares any time soon.

I have other friends who I value no less, and any of them moving further than a bus-ride away from me will be a blow.

But this is her dream, and I am delighted for her. Even if I have just had to hide inside a packet of chocolate digestives to prove it.

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