Thursday, 20 March 2014

Learning Curve... and Childhood Memories... And WITR... Oh and a Picture!

learning Curve
Trying to network a little, I've been exchanging blog details this week with a few people.  This is fine when they're on other blogsites, but when I come across one also on Blogger, I can feel very amateurish.

Take today; I exchanged blog details with a talented young writer, visited the blog and found a multicoloured, multi-themed, all-singing, all-dancing, visually stunning delight.  Everything was clear and beautifully presented, there were lots of images and clickable links that actually work... I am in awe.

Childhood Memories...

My siblings are all more than ten years older than I am. This meant I inherited some of their playthings as I grew up and, under pretence of showing me what to do, they got another two or three years of play from these things as well.

I liked the Bako best, but it had little metal rods you stuck into base boards and bricks you slid into place.  the metal rods were considered Not Suitable for a three-year-old, even a supervised one.

Lego, however, was quite suitable.

In those days, Lego came in two main colours - white and red.  Bases were grey, and you could sometimes get black, grey, and transparent (-ish) ones, as well.

And these days? The Lego movie? Lego librarian figures?  PINK bricks????

Whatever is the world coming to?

And, yes, I still have a lot of that original Lego.  Some of it is older than I am. And it still works.


Writers in the Rafters today. We had a good meeting.  I arrived early, said hello to the other people who were already there, and received stony stares back.  Okay, fine.  We all have off days.

Some good pieces of work read out on themes of love and support.  One member, lacking anything on topic, wanted to share something else with us, but as he didn't have it with him, he just explained his thinking process.  We are a very tolerant and inclusive group, unlike the mythic Lighthouse Writers...  I think I shall write more about the Bookship, but first I have a novel to polish (this is not a metaphor) and a short story about dance to finish.

I had two stories on today's topic, and so your Monday Fiction will be  one of those.  Meanwhile, I shall work on clickable links...

And here is a picture to break up all this text...


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